Thursday 7 May 2015

Every Vote Counts

  Unless you don't live in the UK or live under a rock, you'd know that today was the General Election. Most people I know in Birmingham (as in students) actually decided to not bother voting today, which i found really sad, especially as they're more likely to be hit hardest by the outcome of this election. So here are some reasons why I decided to vote today:

1) If I'm going to have to endure at least 3 months of politicians back stabbing, lying and leapfrogging over each other to get to Number 10, you can bet I'm going to vote on it. I did not sit here for weeks and listen to politicians whine and lie for nothing, I thought if it shut them up long enough I might as well do it.

2) I like to complain, everybody does. But what gives me the right to complain about the embarrassing way this country is run if I don't vote on it first. I hear a lot of students complaining about how things aren't fair at the moment, but the minute someone asks them to register to vote they suddenly all have something better to be doing with their time. 

3) It's my first time. Like all things new it's exciting the first time and I have to say I enjoyed feeling like a responsible adult when I went to the polling station, which by the way, is a mere 5 minutes walk from my flat and I still managed to get lost. And that was with a GPS and signposts.

4) I will do literally anything to keep out UKIP. Or Labour. Or any other party and idiot who is either racist, has no idea what they're on about or spent previous governments getting the country into insane debt or dragging it into wars that didn't need to be fought. No judgment, but yeah, we all know who didn't get my vote. And even though I'm just one person voting, at least I can look back on this and say I tried to make a difference. 

  Obviously I'm sure there are loads more reasons I could think of, but they're the first that come to mind. And that is why I decided to vote today. For those of you that haven't yet, polls were due to close in half an hour, and you just wasted half of that time left reading this blog. 

  And to all those politicians waiting to hear if they got their seats...

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