Thursday 23 June 2016

Politically Obsessed

  Has anybody noticed my last 2 posts are about UK elevtions/voting? No I havn't become completely obsessed about politics, that's just how long it's been since I posted. Not that my life's been boring, oh trust me it's not, but being a full time adult/part time student is exhausting. Plus I'm trying to get my life together and new graduate my age knows how more difficultly that's done than said.

Should We Stay Or Should We Go?

  Nothing says I'm back with a bang than writing on this historic day the UK took to the polls to vote whether we'd remain slaves or finally give David Cameron and the establishment the good kick up the backside we all know they deserve, AKA should the UK leave on remain in the EU. As everybody in Britain knows, for the last 4 months we have had non-stop bickering between Boris Johnson, Nigel Farage, David Cameron and others, and I don't know about you all but I actually tuned out after the first week. No particular reason, I just got bored of watching everyone being called a liar.

  Now as many of you know, I often have a lot to say, in fact you'll be hard pressed to find a topic I don't have to give an opinion on. Yet when it came to Remain vs Leave (which was also given the horrendous term "Brexit", I mean seriously I hope whoever came up with that lost their job), I literally found myself speechless. It's the first time I've not been able to make a decision, and I think the biggest problem was I had no idea who to trust, I mean personally I feel this referendum is a Lose-Lose situation. Obviously Brussels has way too much power and a say in what goes on in this country, and I'm totally against the abuse of free movement by certain European countries who I'll refrain from naming. However, as somebody pointed out on Facebook last night, sticking with the EU means I can buy hairdryers powerful enough to actually dry my hair, and the price of my Nando's won't rise, and as a respectable British citizen, I do love my damn Nando's. 

  I only made my decision when walking to the polling station this afternoon. What I really hate about the way the Leave campaign was run is they let Farage hijack it for his racist propaganda, and walking to that polling station today in Newtown, Birmingham, I had what you could call an epiphany. Farage constantly preaches that immigrants do not have the best interests of this country at heart, and they come only to take and never to give back, however what I saw today was not the case. Looking around the school hall I saw almost every other person who was there to vote was at some point an immigrant or probably had family who are immigrants. This reminded me that in fact I come from a family of immigrants, and while I'm not close to my grandparents I know that when they came to this country they worked hard for a living, and completely contradict the poison people like Farage and the EDL tries to spread. I actually heard a brilliant quote the day before yesterday, which went something like "we should set an example to the next generation that it is better to work through problems as part of a team than going solo", and it's probably the only statement made during this campaign that I've agreed with.

  Want to know who said it?

  David Beckham, that's who. Just think about that. All these politicians demanding my attention and yet the only person who was able to make me think was David Beckham. What has this country come to?
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