Monday 6 October 2014

Thoughts on the Alex Day (so called) "Scandal"

Greeting Internet!

  I've spent a lot of time this week deciding what my comeback post should be about, so many things have been happening since I've been gone, but trawling through YouTube this evening I saw a little video catch my eye that I felt was worth talking about.

  As most of the bloggersphere is aware, the hugely popular vlogger Alex Day had his star seriously tarnished earlier this year when he was accused by a number of girls of being sexually and emotionally manipulative in his relationships with them. Obviously there was a huge uproar on YouTube and Tumblr, and I'm pretty sure it even made the BBC news. Everyone, including myself was disgusted at what he was being accused of, and we all accepted it as true, especially as there appeared to be so many girls coming forward with their stories. And while this resulted in his banishment from the Internet for 6 months, where he turned into a major recluse, I found it interesting how he never chose to defend himself. 

Not once. 

That is, until now.

  Last night the first video for a long long time was released on Alex Day's channel, where Alex spends 30 minutes talking about what happened and basically explaining his side of the story. I was able to sit through the whole video, and came away with a lot more of the respect I lost for him when the news first broke. Whether he was in the right or wrong, it takes a lot of courage to post a video like that, especially when you know many of the people who see it are still angry and want your head on a silver platter. I think it is important to remember that everyone makes mistakes in life, some may seen bigger than others, but at the end of the day, Alex can't change the past. What's done is done, and it angers me to see people still holding it against them. I'm sorry Internet, I wasn't aware his relationships were any of your business, or how poorly he conducted himself in them affected you in any way. 

  Let's get realistic here and put down the pitchforks you angry little tweenagers. Most of you, just like myself, don't know Alex personally, therefore how can you sit there and judge a man you don't even know. Who died and made you all judge and jury? When I watch this video, what I see is a broken man with a lot of regret, the last thing he needs is another wave of negative criticism, just for speaking his mind.

  Said video is in the link below if you haven't seen it yet and would very much like too, so long as your minds are all open enough to listen to what he has to say without judging.

Alex Day- The Past
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