Saturday 4 January 2014

Back To Business

  I havn't really been on here much for the past month or two, so I thought while I'm making do in 1st class on the train back to Brum I'd pass the time with a spot of blogging with my complimentary wifi. Hang on a moment I hear you all say, what's a poor student like her doing in 1st class. Well children, gather round because it's time for Auntie Nina to tell you all a story.

  Having worked my little socks off over the past 2 or 3 weeks, I've recently found myself laid up with the most awful cold, which I fully blame on my managers sticking me out in the cold and pouring rain to take customers orders. So seeing as I was paid yesterday I decided on a spur of the moment to upgrade my already paid for ticket and enjoy the hour and a half of luxury. After all, I really have earnt it. To be honest, what really swung it for me was actually the free tea, which I find is brilliant relief for fighting a cold. 

  And there you have it, I was feeling fairly smug about myself till I realised that I'd basically paid £10 for a cup of tea, which of course has now left me feeling like a fool, although the (I say "free") snack box did soften the blow somewhat. Now if you don't mind I'm off to my flat to make yet more tea and curl up in bed with a movie. My first exam is Monday but revision will have to wait I guess.
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